A virtual surgery simulation system with a haptic feedback for teaching maxillary sinusotomy, ear and sinus surgery
  • Realistic 3D imaging and anatomical models based on high-resolution CT scans
  • Stereo glasses allow viewing from any direction
  • Multiple users can view the simulation in 3D at the same time
  • Life-like haptic feedback reproducing a real surgical operation
  • End-effector shape based on real surgical drilling machine handpiece
  • Adjustable hand-rests provide necessary support and enhance ergonomics
  • ISO-conformant dental burs, most commonly used handpieces and instruments
  • Pressure-sensitive pedal for controlling the bur rotation rate
  • Durable metal body with electrical height adjustment
  • Bleeding imitation and suction tool
Each anatomical model has segmented critical structures:
  • facial nerve
  • auditory ossicles
  • internal carotid artery
  • sigmoid sinus
  • dura mater
  • inner ear
Sinus surgery
10 exercises with different kinds of sinus anatomy:
  • different ethmoid sinus structures
  • frontal cells of different sizes
  • Haller’s cell
  • Onodi air cell

The exercises allow a trainee to perform exploratory dissection, maxillary sinusotomy, and other sinus operations
Basic skills
10 exercises to teach basic simulation system mechanics and forming the proper feel of the virtual space

Ear surgery
10 exercises with different kinds of ear anatomy, including sclerotic temporal bone structure, chronic suppurative otitis media with cholesteatoma and other pathological anatomy
Endoscopic Surgery
10 exercises for different endoscopic operations:
  • endoscopic examination of the nasal cavity
  • endoscopic antrostomy
  • endoscopic anterior ethmoidotomy and antrostomy
  • endoscopic frontal recess approach (Draf I) (frontotomy) and anterior ethmoidotomy
  • endoscopic frontal sinusotomy (Draf II) (frontotomy) and anterior ethmoidotomy
  • modified Lothrop procedure (Draf III) (frontotomy) and anterior ethmoidotomy
  • endoscopic posterior ethmoidotomy and antrostomy
  • endoscopic ethmoidotomy, sphenoidotomy
  • endoscopic sphenoidotomy (transnasal approach)
  • endoscopic anterior ethmoidotomy (frontoethmoidal cell)